stop-motion video, 4:02, continuous loop, 2018
Produced at 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA with materials donated by Diversity Thrift
rose pitcher + you can't leave a place you love
composited video, 6:42, continuous loop, 2018
rattlesnake pen + all dreams come true with the courage to pursue
composited video, 9:00, continuous loop, 2018
flamingos + each day's a new beginning
composited video, 12:38, continuous loop, 2018

stop-motion video, 4:02, continuous loop, 2018
Produced at 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA with materials donated by Diversity Thrift
rose pitcher + you can't leave a place you love
composited video, 6:42, continuous loop, 2018
rattlesnake pen + all dreams come true with the courage to pursue
composited video, 9:00, continuous loop, 2018
flamingos + each day's a new beginning
composited video, 12:38, continuous loop, 2018